Friday, 26 September 2008

The Angels on the Economy by Doreen Virtue

The news right now is focusing on world economies and and financial melt-downs. How we view what's happening and how it effects us depends hugely on our thoughts and beliefs which in turn create our reality. Doreen Virtue gives us the angels advise:

Economic conditions are more affected by human beliefs and expectations, than by oil prices or political concerns. This is true for you personally, as well as for everyone globally. Your personal finances are greatly influenced by your expectations and emotions, so it’s doubly important to keep your thoughts and feelings at as high a level as possible.

* Avoid any thoughts or discussions about blaming politicians, countries, or anyone else for your personal or the global economy. Placing blame upon others puts you in a victim role, energetically. This lowers your energies, and has you attract more experiences of victimization
Full Article

Doreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselling psychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with the angelic realm.

Related Site

Doreen Virtue ~ official Angel Therapy Web site

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